I know this blog is for sketches, but since this is the only one I'm posting at on a semi-regular basis for the time being, I've opted to post my picks for Tom Spurgeon's
50 Things That Every Comics Collection Truly Needs meme.
For anyone too lazy not to check the requirements at Tom's site, here's how the coding goes for my entries in 50 categories:
Leave Plain = Things I don't have
Make Bold = Things I do have
Italics = I have some but probably not enough
1. Something From The ACME Novelty LibraryI've read Jimmy Corrigan by checking it out from my local library and have read several other issues of the series as borrowed from friends or work, but the only Ware I actually own are clipped pages from his NY Times Magazine strip.
2. A Complete Run Of Arcade
3. Any Number Of Mini-ComicsI don't have a number of the most famous ones, but I've got plenty of great stuff from younger artists who peddle them at shows like MoCCA or SPX.
4. At Least One Pogo Book From The 1950s
Again, cheap me…I've read this at the library, but never purchased any.
5. A Barnaby Collection
See #1, 4
6. Binky Brown and the Holy Virgin Mary
7. As Many Issues of RAW as You Can Place Your Hands On
8. A Little Stack of Archie ComicsAnd I'd note that the digests are my preferred format.
9. A Suite of Modern Literary Graphic Novels10. Several Tintin Albums
11. A Smattering Of Treasury Editions Or Similarly Oversized BooksI have more of the modern versions of these including the
RASL preview special and an issue of
Cold Heat in the larger size, but those old Marvel ones catch my eye at damn near every show I attend.
12. Several Significant Runs of Alternative Comic Book SeriesMy number is woefully inadequate on this score, but I do have most of
13. A Few Early Comic Strip Collections To Your Taste14. Several "Indy Comics" From Their Heyday15. At Least One Comic Book From When You First Started Reading Comic BooksI've been going through old comics to sell/throw out the past few weeks, and I can't bring myself to part with my Doug Moench/Jim Aparo
16. At Least One Comic That Failed to Finish The Way It Planned ToI'd nominate Kelly Puckett and Warren Pleece's
Kinetic here.
17. Some Osamu Tezuka18. The Entire Run Of At Least One Manga SeriesI'm nearly close to having all the English language versions of
Cyborg 009.
19. One Or Two 1970s Doonesbury Collections
20. At Least One Saul Steinberg Hardcover
21. One Run of A Comic Strip That You Yourself Have ClippedI clipped Calvin & Hobbes Sunday strips for about four years, the peculiarity of my collection being that I always saved the various Sunday Comics mastheads that the Flint Journal would update every seven months or so as well.
22. A Selection of Comics That Interest You That You Can't Explain To Anyone ElseI probably have a number of books that fit this description, but my vast collection of
Mighty Crusaders comics from various decades comes to mind. I know they're mostly terrible. I just don't care.
23. At Least One Woodcut Novel
24. As Much Peanuts As You Can StandI can stand a lot more than I own at present.
25. Maus26. A Significant Sample of R. Crumb's Sketchbooks
27. The original edition of Sick, Sick, Sick.
28. The Smithsonian Collection Of Newspaper ComicsAnother library fave from when I was a kid.
29. Several copies of MADI don't think I have any of the ones I had in middle school anymore.
30. A stack of Jack Kirby 1970s Comic BooksI'm a particular fan of the unfulfilled promise held in Kirby one offs from this period like his issues of
First Issue Special or that one issue of
Justice, Inc.31. More than a few Stan Lee/Jack Kirby 1960s Marvel Comic BooksTrades only. I'm poor.
32. A You're-Too-High-To-Tell Amount of Underground Comix
33. Some Calvin and Hobbes
34. Some Love and RocketsI started buying the bigger
Complete Love & Rockets editions a few years ago and refuse to shift course to the digests due only to stubbornness.
35. The Marvel Benefit Issue Of Coober Skeber
36. A Few Comics Not In Your Native Tongue37. A Nice Stack of Jack Chick Comics
38. A Stack of Comics You Can Hand To Anybody's KidI'd add
Bone singles as an addition to the requisite Harvey and Disney go-tos.
39. At Least A Few Alan Moore Comics
40. A Comic You Made YourselfYou can read
one of my early efforts on this very site!
41. A Few Comics About Comics42. A Run Of Yummy Fur
43. Some Frank Miller Comics44. Several Lee/Ditko/Romita Amazing Spider-Man Comic BooksNot nearly enough.
45. A Few Great Comics Short StoriesNot nearly enough.
46. A Tijuana Bible
47. Some Weirdo
48. An Array Of Comics In Various Non-Superhero GenresI'd add mention of a lot of comics that are definitely in a genre outside of believable fiction yet not fitting into any predefined mold – a lot of the Oni books like
Scott Pilgrim and
Last Call come to mind.
49. An Editorial Cartoonist's Collection or Two
50. A Few Collections From New Yorker Cartoonists